Trains from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham from *

Trains from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham from *

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Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham Train prices and times

Looking to travel from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham? You can buy train tickets with for as low as , with average prices for this route around .

To get the best deals, we recommend buying in advance and researching alternatives such as split tickets.

  • Wed, Dec 18
  • Thu, Dec 19
  • Fri, Dec 20
  • Sat, Dec 21
  • Sun, Dec 22
  • Mon, Dec 23
  • Tue, Dec 24
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Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham Train Route Details


Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham Train Travel Guide

Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham Train Travel Guide

Arriving in Chatham

Trains running from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham will typically take around at least and there is approximately train running everyday.

Book cheap train tickets from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham

Finding cheap train tickets from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham doesn't have to be a challenging task. With the right knowledge and by using available discounts and travel options, saving money with can become effortless. Here are a few valuable tips to help you save money on your train travel.

Get 1/3 off with a Railcard

Railcards offer discounts of up to 1/3 on most tickets. There are various types of Railcards available to cater to different groups of travelers, such as the 16–25 Railcard, the Family & Friends Railcard, and the Senior Railcard. For more information on Railcards and how they can help you save, visit Railcards here.

Travel in a group to save 1/3

If you are traveling in a group of three to nine people, you can benefit from group travel discounts. Many train companies offer GroupSave options, which provide a discount of up to 1/3 on standard fares. This makes traveling from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham more affordable for families, friends, or colleagues planning a trip together.

Traveling during off-peak hours

Off-Peak train tickets are generally cheaper than peak-time tickets and can be used on services that are less busy, typically outside the morning and evening rush hours. If your schedule allows flexibility, choosing off-peak hours for your trip from Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham can result in significant cost savings. In most cities and large towns, off-peak hours usually start at 09:30 from Monday to Friday. In other areas, they typically begin at 09:00.

Why Book Train Tickets With

  • Split Tickets

    Split Tickets

    Save an average of 30% on train fares by splitting your Portsmouth & Southsea to Chatham journey

  • Split Tickets

    National Rail Partners

    Official train ticket sellers with 5-star customer support

  • Split Tickets

    No Booking Fees on the App

    Only pay for your train travel – no hidden fees

  • Split Tickets

    Online Customer Support

    Fast and reliable online customer support

*Prices are dynamic and subject to change. Ticket prices vary based on time of day, route, and class. Prices shown do not include split ticket and Railcard discounts.