Live UK Train Departures and Arrivals

Live Train Times

We provide a live train tracker on the app to make finding train times quicker and easier. With our train tracker, you can:

• View live train statuses and departure information for almost every train route across the UK. If your train is delayed, we'll show you when it's expected to arrive.

• Get real-time platform information and expected arrival times at each stop, so you can see how long it will take to get to the next stop, or get to the platform as the train arrives.

• Find live travel, platform, or delay information before boarding. We'll keep an eye on the status of the train you are tracking. As train timetables can occasionally change closer to the date, we recommend you check at least one day before departure for the latest information.

How to Use

We have partnered with National Rail, so you can rest assured that you're viewing the latest train schedules and prices for all train routes across the country.

Search UK trains

Step 1: Search UK trains

Tap "Live Tracker"

Step 2: Tap "Live Tracker"

View live train status

Step 3: View live train status