Eurostar Trains to Rotterdam Centraal

Eurostar Trains to Rotterdam Centraal

Check train times and prices, live departures, and station

Popular Train Routes from/to Rotterdam Centraal

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Sorry, no trains are currently available.

Sorry, no trains are currently available.

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Live timetable for Trains from/to Rotterdam Centraal

Eurostar serves Rotterdam Centraal with a range of train services throughout the day. To plan your next journey to and from Rotterdam Centraal and stay updated with real-time train schedules and services to ensure a convenient and well-informed travel experience, we recommend checking our live timetable.

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Sorry, no trains are currently available.

Sorry, no trains are currently available.

TrainsDeparts atDuration

FAQ About Trains to Rotterdam Centraal

  • How much is the Eurostar London to Rotterdam Centraal

    In general, fares from London to Rotterdam Centraal start at US$202.34 one-way. It's best to check the Eurostar website or our for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

  • How long is Eurostar London to Rotterdam Centraal?

    On average, the train from London to Rotterdam Centraal takes 3 hours and 31 minutes but can take just 3 hour and 16 minutes on the fastest services. You'll be travelling directly on this route with Eurostar.